LIKING - Definiția din dicționar
Traducere: română
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Lik"ing (l&ī;k"ĭng), p. a. Looking; appearing; as, better or worse liking. See
Why should he see your faces worse
Lik"ing, n. 1. The state of being pleasing; a suiting. See
2. The state of being pleased with, or attracted toward, some thing or person; hence, inclination; desire; pleasure; preference; -- often with
If the human intellect hath once taken a
3. Appearance; look; figure; state of body as to health or condition. [Archaic]
I shall think the worse of fat men, as long as I have an eye to make difference of men's
Their young ones are in good
Would he be the degenerate scion of that royal line . . . to be a king