BARK - Definiția din dicționar
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Bark, v. t.
2. To abrade or rub off any outer covering from; as to
3. To girdle. See
4. To cover or inclose with bark, or as with bark; as, to bark the roof of a hut.
Bark, v. i. [OE.
2. To make a clamor; to make importunate outcries.
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Bark, n. The short, loud, explosive sound uttered by a dog; a similar sound made by some other animals.
1. Formerly, any small sailing vessel, as a pinnace, fishing smack, etc.; also, a rowing boat; a barge. Now applied poetically to a sailing vessel or boat of any kind.
2. (Naut.) A three-masted vessel, having her foremast and mainmast square-rigged, and her mizzenmast schooner-rigged.