COMPOSE - Definiția din dicționar
Traducere: română
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Com*pose" (kŏm*p&ō;z"), v. t.
Zeal ought to be
2. To form the substance of, or part of the substance of; to constitute.
Their borrowed gold
The calf in Oreb.
A few useful things . . .
3. To construct by mental labor; to design and execute, or put together, in a manner involving the adaptation of forms of expression to ideas, or to the laws of harmony or proportion; as, to compose a sentence, a sermon, a symphony, or a picture.
Let me
Something in verse as well as prose.
The genius that
4. To dispose in proper form; to reduce to order; to put in proper state or condition; to adjust; to regulate.
In a peaceful grave my corpse
How in safety best we may
5. To free from agitation or disturbance; to tranquilize; to soothe; to calm; to quiet.
Nor frauds are here contrived, nor force designed.
6. (Print.) To arrange (types) in a composing stick in order for printing; to set (type).
Com*pose", v. i. To come to terms. [Obs.]