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HOREHOUND - Definiția din dicționar

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Hore"hound` (?), n. [OE. horehune, AS. h&ā;rhune; h&ā;r hoar, gray + hune horehound; cf. L. cunila a species of organum, Gr. &unr_;, Skr. kn&unr_;y to smell.] (Bot.) 1. A plant of the genus Marrubium (Marrubium vulgare), which has a bitter taste, and is a weak tonic, used as a household remedy for colds, coughing, etc. [Written also hoarhound.]
[1913 Webster]

2. A lozenge or tablet, usually sweetened, containing extract of horehound, used as a remedy for a cough or a sore throat.

Fetid horehound, or Black horehound, a disagreeable plant resembling horehound (Ballota nigra). -- Water horehound, a species of the genus Lycopus, resembling mint, but not aromatic.
[1913 Webster]