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Sur*cease" (?), n. [F. sursis, from sursis, p. p. of surseoir to suspend, postpone, defer, in OF., to delay, refrain from, forbear, L. supersedere. Surcease is not connected with E. cease. See Supersede.] Cessation; stop; end. “Not desire, but its surcease.” Longfellow.
[1913 Webster]
It is time that there were an end and surcease made of this immodest and deformed manner of writing.
[1913 Webster]
Sur*cease", v. t. To cause to cease; to end. [Obs.] “The waves . . . their range surceast.” Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
The nations, overawed, surceased the fight.
[1913 Webster]
Sur*cease", v. i. To cease. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]