VINDICATE - Definiția din dicționar
Traducere: română
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Vin"di*cate (?), v. t.
Is thine alone the seed that strews the plain?
The birds of heaven shall
2. To maintain or defend with success; to prove to be valid; to assert convincingly; to sustain against assault; as, to vindicate a right, claim, or title.
3. To support or maintain as true or correct, against denial, censure, or objections; to defend; to justify.
When the respondent denies any proposition, the opponent must directly
Laugh where we must, be candid where we can,
4. To maintain, as a law or a cause, by overthrowing enemies.
5. To liberate; to set free; to deliver. [Obs.]
I am confident he deserves much more
Than he that saves a citizen.
6. To avenge; to punish; as, a war to vindicate or punish infidelity. [Obs.]
God is more powerful to exact subjection and to