HANDFAST - Definiția din dicționar
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hand"fast` (hănd"f&adot_;st`), n. 1. Hold; grasp [Obs.]
2. Custody; power of confining or keeping. [Obs.]
3. A contract; specifically, an espousal. [Obs.]
hand"fast`, a. Fast by contract; betrothed by joining hands. [Obs.]
hand"fast`, v. t.
2. To betroth by joining hands, in order to permit cohabitation, before the formal celebration of marriage; in some parts of Scotland it was in effect to marry provisionally, permitting cohabitation for a year, after which the marriage could be formalized or dissolved. [Obs.]
&hand_; Handfasting was a simple contract of agreement under which cohabitation was permitted for a year, at the end of which time the contract could be either dissolved or made permanent by a formal marriage. Such marriages, at first probably not intended to be temporary, are supposed to have originated in Scotland from a scarcity of clergy, and to have existed at times in other countries.
hand"fast`, a. [G.