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Per"son*al (p&etilde_;r"sŭn*&aitalic_;l), a. [L. personalis: cf. F. personnel.] 1. Pertaining to human beings as distinct from things.
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Every man so termed by way of personal difference.
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2. Of or pertaining to a particular person; relating to, or affecting, an individual, or each of many individuals; peculiar or proper to private concerns; not public or general; as, personal comfort; personal desire.
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The words are conditional, -- If thou doest well, -- and so personal to Cain.
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3. Pertaining to the external or bodily appearance; corporeal; as, personal charms. Addison.
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4. Done in person; without the intervention of another. “Personal communication.” Fabyan.
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The immediate and personal speaking of God.
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5. Relating to an individual, his character, conduct, motives, or private affairs, in an invidious and offensive manner; as, personal reflections or remarks.
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6. (Gram.) Denoting person; as, a personal pronoun.
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Personal action (Law), a suit or action by which a man claims a debt or personal duty, or damages in lieu of it; or wherein he claims satisfaction in damages for an injury to his person or property, or the specific recovery of goods or chattels; -- opposed to real action. -- Personal equation. (Astron.) See under Equation. -- Personal estate or Personal property (Law), movables; chattels; -- opposed to real estate or property. It usually consists of things temporary and movable, including all subjects of property not of a freehold nature. -- Personal identity (Metaph.), the persistent and continuous unity of the individual person, which is attested by consciousness. -- Personal pronoun (Gram.), one of the pronouns I, thou, he, she, it, and their plurals. -- Personal representatives (Law), the executors or administrators of a person deceased. -- Personal rights, rights appertaining to the person; as, the rights of a personal security, personal liberty, and private property. -- Personal tithes. See under Tithe. -- Personal verb (Gram.), a verb which is modified or inflected to correspond with the three persons.
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Per"son*al, n. (Law) A movable; a chattel.
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