FABLE - Definiția din dicționar
Traducere: română
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Fa"ble, v. t. To feign; to invent; to devise, and speak of, as true or real; to tell of falsely.
The hell thou
Fa"ble (f&ā;"b'l), n. [F., fr. L.
A fable may have talking animals anthropomorphically cast as humans representing different character types, sometimes illustrating some moral principle; as, Aesop's Fables.
2. The plot, story, or connected series of events, forming the subject of an epic or dramatic poem.
The moral is the first business of the poet; this being formed, he contrives such a design or
3. Any story told to excite wonder; common talk; the theme of talk. “Old wives'
We grew
4. Fiction; untruth; falsehood.
It would look like a
Fa"ble, v. i.
Vain now the tales which