WRINKLE - Definiția din dicționar
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Wrin"kle (?), n. A winkle. [Local, U. S.]
Wrin"kle, n. [OE.
1. A small ridge, prominence, or furrow formed by the shrinking or contraction of any smooth substance; a corrugation; a crease; a slight fold; as, wrinkle in the skin; a wrinkle in cloth. “The
Within I do not find
2. hence, any roughness; unevenness.
Not the least
3. [Perhaps a different word, and a dim. AS.
Wrin"kle, v. t.
1. To contract into furrows and prominences; to make a wrinkle or wrinkles in; to corrugate; as, wrinkle the skin or the brow. “Sport that
2. Hence, to make rough or uneven in any way.
A keen north wind that, blowing dry,
Then danced we on the
Wrin"kle, v. i. To shrink into furrows and ridges.